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Re: Absolutely most handy tool in my tool box

I can only guess at this time that it starts a siphon without the old fashioned method of lip suction. I'll have to pass on this one too.

Re: Absolutely most handy tool in my tool box

Red Barchetta ·
Question - If the jerrycan is sitting on the ground is this siphon strong enough to transfer the water uphill into the trailer/camper? I currently have (15 years now) and use a drill-powered fresh water transfer pump. It transfers 6.5 gallons in seconds.

Re: Absolutely most handy tool in my tool box

Advnturer ·
It will not siphon uphill. Like any siphon, it needs to be lower than liquid being siphoned. I used it with a 7 gal water container shown here when my back went out and I could not lift it. I use it all the time to empty a 55 gal drum of water into my cabin cistern in about 10 minutes. when I draw water out of the stream, I find a place that is at least level with the water and have no problems pulling it. I have also used it to siphon gasoline from my truck to a container for my lawn mower.

Re: Absolutely most handy tool in my tool box

Red Barchetta ·
Thank you for the answer Dan. That won't work for us, but glad that it does for you.

Absolutely most handy tool in my tool box

Advnturer ·
A simple tool I have used for over 20 years that should be in everyone's water supply tool kit. I have primarily used this to transfer water from my 55gal water drums to my cistern at my cabin, but have also used it to pull water from stream/river pools and lake water to use for boiling wash water. If you don't have one, I highly recommend spending a couple bucks and just toss it in the "I'll be glad I have it when I need it" stack of stuff. It's one of those simple things you hope the guy...
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